What is a Home Visit Like?

Do you have plans to visit Japan, and want a chance to meet a Japanese family and while you are there, or already have a place to stay in Japan and can’t do a homestay? We have the perfect thing for you _ the "Home Visit Program"! It's a unique and fun opportunity to spend some quality time with the natives of this great country.

  • No time? No problem! A Home Visit is great for people who are too busy or don't have enough time for a full homestay but still want to visit and meet with a Japanese family.
  • Japan's culture is a lot different that you may expect! Talking with a family gives you an important perspective on the culture and customs.
  • Use your Japanese! : Talking to store clerks is fun and all, but how about a chance to use your skills in an actual home situation?

What is Included in the Home Visit?

  • Home Visit Registration/Application Fees
  • Pick Up and Send you off at the nearest station of the family you visit.
  • Lunch, Drinks and snacks provided from the family.