Tokyo Adachi Japanese Language School (Tokyo)

By enrolling into Tokyo Adachi, students are able to learn the Japanese language appropriate for the fields of their interests, also acquire the necessary knowledge and skills at Adachi Education Group Vocational school. Doors to employment in Japan will open from thereon.
Only by contemplating about your future, will you see a way. Only by taking the first step into that direction, will you get closer to that goal!

No. of Students400 students
No. of Classes10~12 classes
Class Sizeunder 20
No. of Levels6 levels
Major Nationalities representedChina (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), Vietnam, Russia, Malaysia, Korea, USA and Mexico
Age LimitsOver 18 years old
Start DatesAlways
Minimum Enrollment3 months
AccommodationGirl dormitory
School Details
●Learn in the center of Tokyo!
●Girl dormitory